Friday, July 2, 2010

Catching, NOT fishing

I get really, I mean REALLY, frustrated fishing.  Like curse like a sailor, when fishing.  I like to do what I call catching instead.  It's really simple actually, it's what happens if your fishing skills are up to par.

Anyways, I got invited to go Kokanee salmon fishing today.  But WTF is a Kokanee salmon you ask?  It IS hands down, THE MOST DELICIOUS fresh water fish you can catch.  Specifically, a Kokanee salmon is a smaller Sockeye salmon, that is found in landlocked waters.  It is fairly common in the West.

My buddy Larry and I decided to go to Causey Reservoir, which is the closest body of water holding said delicacies.  When we got up there, we were the first ones up there.  AWESOME!!  The water was glass, and the sun hadn't quite made it over the tops of the mountains yet.  As soon as we got our gear in the water, BOOM!!, we were catching!  EXCELLENT!!  We filled our limits, which was four fish a person.  The Kokanee are not terribly big, most of ours were between 12 and 13 inches, a pound to two pounds a piece.

Catching Kokanee requires some rather interesting gear.  The names of the gear used are "squids" and "dodgers".  Again, you might question what these interestingly named bits of gear are.  Let me paint a picture for you.......  You've just eaten a can of sardines, and the lid is the dodger.  Looking on the ground, you find a thing that looks like a fishing lure sized mop head, the squid.  You get this great idea, to tie the mop head about 6" behind the sardine lid, add a hook or two, and you chuck it over board.  Holy shit, you caught a fish!!  It is ALMOST that easy.......

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some hibachi salmon to go prepare.

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I'm Will, I'm me, I live in an average American town, in a modest house. I have an honest job, and I work till the workin's done. I like a lot things, and dislike few. I love my wife.
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