Monday, June 28, 2010

Take it like MAN!!

How many times have you heard that?  I think it is used to the point, that it has to mean, or at least stand for something.

So what does, "Take it like a man" mean?

I think this can mean different things, given certain situations.

Recently, I had to go get a physical, so that I could drive the company vehicles.  In my physical, I was weighed, and my blood pressure was taken.  I had known for some time, that my blood pressure was not where it should have been.  I was weighed, and then measured for a Body Mass Index, indicating that I was 34% fat, and 75 lbs overweight.  Yikes!! <====  This is the PG version of what I really thought.

After some discussion, I discovered, that given my height, I should weigh about 174 lbs.  The doctor took one look at me, and said "174 is unrealistic for someone, with your muscle build, but you need to lose some weight to bring this pressure down."  I had a straight conversation with him, and asked him all the hard questions, that had answers that would undoubtedly prompt me to change.  It was tough to be told, that not only are you a fat ass, but you're pretty much gonna die from heart failure.  Look up hypertension if you doubt me.  It's pretty damn serious fellas.

So how did I take this?  I'm changing my life.  I'm making the hard decisions to preserve the future, and in my humble opinion, that's part of "taking it like a man."
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Unknown said...

Its hard to hear from a doctor that something you can actually control in completely out of control. It sucks to know that your basically digging your own grave. I have "taken it like a women" many times coming from the doctor. Which means I cried my eyes out and didnt eat for a week. LOL
My doctor told me its imperative for me to lose weight so it will help with getting pregnant. I try really hard and the weight just sticks to me like glue. Its SUCKS!!!
anyways I think your def. of "taking it like a man" is a good one.
A real man gets up and gets the job done no matter how hard it is!!!
So 50 man brownie points to you!!!!
I fully support you being healthy, I know how much my sister loves you and you need to always be around to be with her;) now just get her on the health band wagon with ya;)

Kelly said...

Good for you Honey! I am super proud and jealous of you ;0)

Kristin said...

Will you have a nice talk with Scott. We've known for over a yr that he has high blood pressure. He takes his meds, but that's just about it. I'm tired of nagging him.

Will said...

I was not considered high enough to be on medication just yet. As far as that goes, there's not much I can say to him. I have a goal in mind of the weight I want to lose, and when I get there, I'm headed back to the doctor for a check up. If he's willing to read my blog, and do the research, he's more than welcome over here.

Having said that, my doctor's visit is not the entire reason for the change in my life. There is a really personal part to it, a good friend who is a health nut has a part in it, the doctor's visit was the straw that broke the camel's back. Scott has to want the change, otherwise it will not happen.

So far, I have been dieting to lose the pounds. In less than two months, I have lost 20 actual pounds, and 27 total pounds. Damn cheat weekends!! If he wants some help with that part of it, I can share what I have been doing.

Kristin said...

I agree Scott has to want to change. I have reached a point that I feel like I waste my breath saying anything about it. One day I was so frustrated with him that I told him I was just grateful that I have life insurance on him. Anything you can share with us to help with dieting would be great. Heaven knows I could stand to lose a few too. I've implemented my own workout plan, but I haven't had much success yet. Good luck to us all!

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I'm Will, I'm me, I live in an average American town, in a modest house. I have an honest job, and I work till the workin's done. I like a lot things, and dislike few. I love my wife.
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